
1--Favourite track - Vacuum Cleaner
2--Favourite album - N/A
3--Best thing about - Vacuum Cleaner
4--Worst thing about - Only one single, dammit!
5--Any other comment - Bee Side!

Goran Obradovic

Now this is the only one that I don't really think should've been around. Not that I don't LOVE "Vacuum cleaner", but come on, does this one single put them before The Yardbirds or The Small Faces (two MAJOR omittances!!!) ?!?!?!

Iain Taylor

Favourite track = Vacuum Cleaner

Steve McGhee

Favourite track - "Beeside"

Any other comment - nice name for a band

Sir Gregory Weatherby

1--Favourite track
A bit silly since their are only two in contention, but I guess I would have to say........let me think about this one.........**ponders**.......**cogitates**.........after careful consideration, I will go with "Vacuum Cleaner"

2--Favourite album
"The Monks of Tintern Abbey Sing Bacharach - I Say A Little Prayer""......sublime

3--Best thing about...
The parrot?

4--Worst thing about...
The parrot?

5--Any other comment.
Whatever happened to that much hyped limited edition found in the rubbish gonna change the world release of a few years back?

Tom Sunshine

Best song- Vacuum cleaner

Best Album- erm.. i   dont    know.

Best Thing- made a single w/ Bee Side that sums up perfectly what psychedelic music is.

worst thing- Just the one single.. are you kidding! needed more!!

Other comments- don’t think one single is enough to get yourself on the 10 best psych bands list, but it was a great single!

Gert Stuut

I didn't vote for all the inductees, but I think they all deserve it, except for Tintern Abbey because you can't judge an act by just one single. A classic none the less, but their second 7" (unreleased at the time) doesn't come close!

Glyn Savage

Any other comment - Over-rated the Artwoods , Kinks or suchlike came below these is beyond me....a good 45 but no better